We believe in the divine collective inspiration of the 66 books of the Old and New Testaments of the Bible, the originally given revelation of God to mankind. They are all sufficient and the final authority in all matters of faith.
We believe in the deity of the Lord Jesus Christ who is true God and true man. That he per-existed in eternity; was born of the virgin Mary; lived a perfect sinless life; died a substitutionary death for the sins of all mankind. We believe that He resurrected bodily from the grave and ascended to heaven, where He is presently interceding for man and will return personally and bodily to the earth in power and glory.
We believe that the Holy Spirit is a divine person, the third person of the Trinity. We believe that He indwells a person who has repented of his sins and has accepted Jesus as his personal Savior. We believe in the indispensability of the supernatural work of the Holy Spirit to sanctify, empower and endow the believer with gifts and graces in order to live a holy life.
We believe that man is saved by Gods’ grace alone, made possible through the shedding of the Blood of Christ, who was sinless and died a substitutionary death at Calvary and rose again from death to life. Salvation is effective when a person believes this, repents of his sins and in an act of faith accepts Jesus Christ as his Lord and personal Savior.
We believe that the Church, the Body of Christ, is the universal company of God’s redeemed people, from every land, throughout all ages, irrespective of language, sex (gender), culture, social status, education or colour. We believe in the essential unity of all believers who belong to the Body of Christ.
We believe today that as the Church we are the vessels to carry out Gods’ purpose in the world through worship, teaching, discipleship, evangelism and be ambassadors of Christ.
We believe in the imminent return of Jesus Christ in the flesh to take His people to be with Him, that there will be the final righteous judgment of the redeemed to eternal blessedness and the unredeemed to eternal punishment.
Rock Foundation (Pvt) Ltd is an organisation registered in Sri Lanka which operates as a non-profit organization. The vision of Rock Foundation is to share the Gospel through Media, the broad areas of Drama & Music, and Evangelism. Rock Foundation is committed to the unity of the church in the body of Christ and working together with all denominations in sharing God’s word. The activity of Rock Foundation is guided by an Advisory Board and is carried out through divisions which work independently and or collectively.
Rev. Fr. Lokendra Abhayaratne – Chair Person
Dr. Kumar Abraham
Pas. Paul Beling
Pas. Cedric Rodrigo
Sis. Sheila Ratnasingham
Statment of Faith